
01/08/2021 – 


Welcome to the New World, 101 — Workshop Series #2

If you’re an innovator, especially if your work depends on people outside your own organization, you’re facing even more than the usual amount of uncertainty.

The good news is, as an innovator you know there are tools and processes designed precisely for making sense of human needs during uncertain times. The Corporate Accelerator Forum, in collaboration with complex systems expert Dr. Linda Booth Sweeney, has drawn together a key set of these tools, chosen especially for people working in open innovation.

Come together with other innovators to make sense of the landscape from multiple perspectives and move forward with expanded vision!

Join us!


The main program takes place every Tuesday, 10am -12pm Pacific Time, October 13th through Dec 8th, 2020. These are extremely hands-on, active working sessions with minimal passive listening. Cost: $900 for all 7 sessions, or $150/session. If you join the full series, you’ll work as a cohort with others in similar roles from different industries and company types.

By the end of session 4, you’ll have a clear strategic framework, tested and customized with your internal stakeholders. By the end of session 7, you’ll have completed the first phase of an experiment, complete with lessons learned, framed the way your stakeholders receive them most effectively.